About VREF
An Educational Welfare Society.
Welcome to VEDIC RESEARCH and EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION. This Society is an Educational Welafare Society. Working since May 2006. This society is involved for promotion of Vedas, Shastras, other Vedic Indian scripts and Vedic Sciences, and hence removing superstition and illusions from society regarding Sciences of Vedas and Shastras.
The Foundation is a voluntary, non-political, non-profit making Socio-Educational Welfare Organization, established to promote vedic sciences through education amongst all the human societies. and is working to provide the facilities for education, training, growth and upgradation of all the shastriya knowledge relating to Vedas and Shastra, Indian herbs and all useful knowledge for the human welfare e.g. Aayurveda, Reiki, Stone Therapy, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, Astrology, Vaastu shastra, Numerology, Yoga, Fine Arts, Palmistry, Mantra Therapy etc.
and with a lot of aims & objectives..